
Surgical Headlight System

Source: Luxtec Corporation
The headlight systems feature bight, lightweight, and comfortable designs that provide ergonomic design, snap-in module, and removable hardware for easy pad or band replacement...
The headlight systems feature bight, lightweight, and comfortable designs that provide ergonomic design, snap-in module, and removable hardware for easy pad or band replacement.

The Ultralite Headlight System, shown above, features lightweight, ergonomic design; improved headlight module optics; smaller cable design; variable spot; and disposable headband
padding. This system can help relieves head and neck strain; provides uniform light throughout spot; lighter weight; 50% increase in light output; 20-100 mm spot size; and improved comfort and hygiene.

The Sweatband Headlight System features lightweight terry-cloth design, non-elastic material, hook & loop fastener adjustment, and a removable module. This system offers additional comfort, eliminates over stretching, accommodates a variety of sizes, and allows for easy replacement.

Luxtec Corporation, 326 Clark St., Worcester, MA 01606-1214. Tel: 800-325-8966; Fax: 508-854-3581.